As long-term managers, our primary goal is to generate strong growth for the assets we have been entrusted to manage on behalf of our clients. We believe this goal goes hand in hand with investing in a responsible manner. Therefore, we see responsible investments as a central part of our strategy to achieve sustainable and long-term returns.
Both of our funds are classified under SFDR Article 8. Our strategy involves excluding investments in sectors and activities that conflict with our values and that we do not believe will be sustainable in the long term.
We believe that companies that successfully combine economic profitability with social responsibility and environmental considerations, while minimizing negative impacts on society and the environment, have a greater potential to be successful and profitable in the long run, which benefits their shareholders.
From an environmental perspective, we want the companies we invest in to actively work to reduce their environmental impact. This includes minimizing emissions, improving energy efficiency, managing waste and water resources responsibly, and transitioning to renewable energy. We believe that companies should set goals to achieve carbon neutrality and implement circular business models.
From a social perspective, we expect companies to take responsibility for their influence on employees, customers, suppliers, and society at large. This includes providing fair working conditions, ensuring a safe and healthy work environment, respecting human rights, and promoting diversity and inclusion.
Our investment philosophy is based on investing in quality companies, where we particularly value the management’s and board’s ability to create long-term value for shareholders. Our analysis of good corporate governance includes a review of business ethics, employment relations, corporate culture, and companies’ stance on bribery and corruption to ensure transparency and accountability in their operations.
In summary, we believe that companies that take a comprehensive approach to their impact on both society and the environment, and strive for long-term value creation by integrating sustainability aspects into their operations, are particularly attractive investment opportunities.
Kavaljer has signed the UN’s Principles for Responsible Investment. We have also been members of SweSif (Sweden’s Sustainable Investment Forum) since 2024.